Inmate Inquiry

Inmate Search

Showing 601 to 700 of 915
Photo Name Subject Number In Custody Scheduled Release Date Race Gender Date of Birth Height Weight Multiple Bookings Housing Facility
12Y23PQ5 PESQUERA, DIEGO ANDRES 1159074 Yes W Male 12/15/2002 6' 0" 175.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24B9Z PHARO, APRIL NACOLE 597757 Yes W Female 05/25/1982 5' 4" 120.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y2477U PHARRIS, JONATHAN DONVELL 328935 Yes B Male 10/29/1983 6' 1" 198.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y218S8 PHILLIPS, CHRISTOPHER D 316122 Yes B Male 08/30/1987 5' 7" 140.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23ZCE PICKETT, RICO JARMONE 1172350 Yes B Male 04/01/2003 5' 10" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1M9BN PIERCE, MICHAEL DWAYNE 1087689 Yes W Male 12/04/1977 6' 2" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24FL8 PIERSON, DEMETRIUS MONTEZ 667896 Yes B Male 02/18/1987 6' 3" 240.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1M1WL PLAYER, LARON DIMITRIC 242239 Yes B Male 05/07/1978 5' 11" 157.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1ZFNZ POLK, CHRISTOPHER LAMAR 643071 Yes B Male 07/05/1997 5' 9" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y21WXR POLLARD, QUANDARIUS O'MARIYA MONROE 1139163 Yes B Male 11/06/2005 6' 0" 150.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y20ZEL POLNETT, TASHUMBI LASALLE 256367 Yes B Male 02/12/1977 5' 8" 225.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y223FV POOLE, JAMARYUS TREVEON 1163164 Yes B Male 07/18/2004 6' 4" 155.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y21JL4 POOLE, JULIAN DELANCE 346059 Yes B Male 07/01/1990 5' 10" 200.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1YU02 POPE, BRANDON CORTEZ 1147887 Yes B Male 07/13/1999 6' 5" 390.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1WY3Q POPE, JOSHUA 1131760 Yes B Male 08/12/2005 5' 11" 170.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1PUUO Pope, Marvin LESLIE Junior 570379 Yes W Male 04/18/1944 6' 1" 195.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1G7JK PORTLOCK, ALTON DEWAYNE 1069025 Yes B Male 06/16/1976 6' 3" 250.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24DNQ POTTS, STEVEN KURT 967446 Yes W Male 07/30/1964 6' 0" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23TLP POWELL, DAMON 628433 Yes B Male 05/14/1987 5' 11" 191.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y21MYV POWELL, DANNY 661135 Yes B Male 10/26/1988 5' 10" 190.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y20G1N PRESSLEY, JEREMIAH ISAIAH 1054005 Yes B Male 05/25/2001 5' 11" 145.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24E75 PREYER, DEMETRIUS EMMANUEL 260618 Yes B Male 08/28/1976 5' 10" 166.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22FZ3 PRICE, RICKY ALEXANDER 953689 Yes B Male 12/23/1999 5' 10" 158.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y20X04 PRICE, TIMOTHY WAYNE Junior 509713 Yes W Male 11/03/1982 5' 11" 175.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23V3B PRINCE, MORRIS 211454 Yes B Male 03/01/1977 5' 6" 230.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1V0C2 PRITCHETT, ROBERT LEE 336384 Yes B Male 08/07/1991 6' 1" 170.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24AGC PROVINCE, JUSTIN JETHRO 587783 Yes B Male 11/21/1987 5' 6" 140.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24DA4 PRUITT, ADRIAN LENNART Second 601756 Yes B Male 10/01/1987 5' 7" 170.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y2177B PRUITT, CHARLES AVERY 1053432 Yes B Male 02/12/2002 5' 9" 135.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1Z78Q PURDOM, ANTONIO TERRELL 589503 Yes B Male 10/01/1981 6' 0" 260.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23JEF PYLES, JAY'MERRIA JENISE 1133376 Yes B Female 10/02/2003 5' 4" 145.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22IMV QUINN, DELRIDGE LEE 933865 Yes B Male 02/17/1991 5' 5" 200.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22SFI RAGLAND, ALTICE DARONE 621430 Yes B Male 06/13/1990 5' 6" 250.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y235CX RAGLAND, TOMMY LEE Junior 206441 Yes B Male 06/28/1975 5' 7" 210.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1QQV7 Ramey, Christopher RAY 938699 Yes W Male 08/30/1978 5' 10" 190.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y213BQ RAPLEY, FERNANDEIZ EMILLIO Junior 1152548 Yes B Male 04/20/2006 6' 1" 220.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1KGNJ RAYE, ANTHONY BERNARD 1086319 Yes B Male 03/11/1992 6' 1" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22YNN RAYFORD, JALYND RASHAD 1024878 Yes B Male 09/11/2000 6' 3" 220.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22IA0 REASOR, JAVORIS EZELLE 1032990 Yes B Male 07/11/1996 5' 10" 150.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1UFQT REDMAN, CALVIN JOSEPH 1116420 Yes W Male 11/07/1964 5' 10" 210.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1RW76 REDWINE, ZACARIOUS ISAIAH 1139397 Yes B Male 11/10/2005 5' 7" 150.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23NIG REED, ROY JOSEPH WILLIAM 556302 Yes W Male 03/10/1971 5' 8" 190.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23BJB REESE, DONNELL WAYNE Junior 338775 Yes B Male 09/29/1988 5' 8" 155.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24721 RENO, CHRISTOPHER WAYNE 324216 Yes W Male 07/31/1989 5' 8" 135.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1JCJK REYNOLDS, BRANDON JAMANE 559369 Yes B Male 11/28/1988 6' 0" 185.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y241M2 REYNOLDS, TYLER JASON WICKS 937706 Yes B Male 08/09/1999 5' 7" 142.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1GPJB RHODES, JONATHAN ALEXANDER 948297 Yes B Male 11/18/1999 6' 0" 200.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1WYZ8 RICHARDS, CORNELL R 1108478 Yes B Male 11/04/1982 5' 11" 160.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y21JGD Ricks, Martez Andre Junior 1170836 Yes B Male 12/01/2006 5' 4" 100.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y233TC RINCHER, BYRON KEITH 267217 Yes B Male 05/23/1981 5' 11" 202.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23KFN RINGSTAFF, JEREMY ALLEN 634079 Yes B Male 08/19/1992 5' 7" 165.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23V26 RIVERS, TIMOTHY RASHEEM 1088520 Yes B Male 10/22/1987 6' 1" 245.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23YJP ROBERSON, STETSON LEE 916528 Yes W Male 01/21/1986 5' 5" 120.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y21S5O ROBERTSON, BRYANT LAMAR 944030 Yes B Male 10/05/1986 5' 11" 250.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1ZM96 ROBERTSON, CEDRIC DEWAYNE 536978 Yes B Male 11/11/1986 5' 3" 140.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1ILP5 ROBERTSON, THOMAS MATTHEW 280776 Yes W Male 06/20/1980 5' 8" 135.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1YVJB ROBINSON, AIRANA LASHAY 1068236 Yes B Female 01/12/2001 5' 6" 115.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22PJ7 ROBINSON, ERIC BERNARD 1166226 Yes B Male 09/20/1985 6' 1" 200.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1YGFU ROBINSON, LAWRENCE DAVID Junior 918481 Yes B Male 11/18/1993 5' 8" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23PV5 ROBINSON, PATRICK TRAMANE 185777 Yes B Male 12/17/1966 6' 0" 189.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23U0M ROBINSON, TIMOTHY DEWAYNE 635723 Yes B Male 04/16/1992 6' 1" 350.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1SA8G ROBINSON, WAYMON LANAR Junior 544886 Yes B Male 10/10/1993 5' 7" 250.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1W3EG Rodgers, Mason Jaman 1079657 Yes B Male 10/29/2003 6' 3" 182.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23IGI RODRIGUEZ, NERY DELION 1170247 Yes W Male 07/24/1988 5' 2" 115.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1Z82E ROGERS, OCTAVIUS JAMAR 1148862 Yes B Male 07/01/1991 5' 6" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1T0ML ROLAND, TAYLA ROXANN 982229 Yes B Female 12/11/1999 5' 2" 108.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23ECI ROLLEY, KESHIA RENEE 675193 Yes B Female 07/08/1988 5' 2" 165.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1PXAI ROLLINS, LARRY DENZEL 884410 Yes B Male 01/05/1993 5' 5" 200.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1VVUY ROSALES-FLORES, CARLOS ANTONIO 1121646 Yes W Male 04/29/2000 5' 7" 220.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22NGB ROSEMAN, TIFFANY JACQUELLE 1107805 Yes B Female 11/25/1994 5' 3" 130.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1LE2W ROWELL, GREGORY 280957 Yes B Male 12/22/1962 6' 0" 185.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1OIKL ROYAL, MYRON LENNOX Junior 588021 Yes B Male 04/24/1971 6' 0" 250.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1YGNL RUDOLPH, CIMONE 995805 Yes B Female 09/30/1989 5' 4" 120.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24FP1 SALAAM, MAKYAH ANITRIS 1006163 Yes B Female 06/28/2001 5' 6" 152.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y249TR SALAS-MENDOZA, CHRISTIAN ARTURO 1174418 Yes W Male 06/17/1996 5' 5" 120.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1NYNM SALERY, BRIAN ALEXANDER 1006555 Yes B Male 01/18/1990 5' 9" 150.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1TDHZ SALINAS, ANNER LEONEL LANDAVERDE 1122429 Yes W Male 04/04/1987 5' 8" 280.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1WP46 SAMUELS, DEDRICK ANTOINE 273902 Yes B Male 04/01/1979 6' 3" 220.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y235DB SANCHEZ, EMILIO RAMON 1146454 Yes W Male 08/31/1993 5' 5" 130.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23S4Z SANDERS, CLAUDE DESHAWN Junior 124509 Yes B Male 01/17/1967 6' 4" 199.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1T4XM SANDERS, KENNETH NATHANIEL WALKER 590774 Yes B Male 05/01/1990 6' 1" 200.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y20ANQ SANDERS, MAURIO DEJUAN Junior 977663 Yes B Male 08/09/2000 6' 0" 180.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y23U5L SANDERS, PARTRELL JOHN 1160503 Yes B Male 07/27/2006 5' 11" 240.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1VJ4K SANDERS, RONNIE DWAYNE 248643 Yes B Male 10/01/1978 5' 11" 170.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y229J7 SANDERS, TYLER REED 1163676 Yes B Male 02/14/2003 5' 7" 168.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1WY8A SANDERS, UNREE JEROME Second 883554 Yes B Male 09/04/1989 5' 10" 170.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y248R6 SAVAGE, ADARIUS DERRELL Senior 540426 Yes B Male 03/22/1993 5' 7" 145.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y230Z8 SCALES, CAMERON JAYVEON 1157973 Yes B Male 01/07/2006 5' 10" 165.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22Y9I SCOTT KING, JAYLEN 1164291 Yes B Male 08/01/1997 5' 6" 160.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1S3O2 SCOTT, DERRICK LARON 511403 Yes B Male 07/08/1990 5' 11" 210.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y231S9 SCOTT, RANDY JERMAINE 550820 Yes B Male 06/04/1983 5' 3" 145.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1B0YI SCROGGINS, ROBERT EARL Third 342556 Yes B Male 01/14/1993 5' 7" 140.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y20UQS SEALIE, RAHEEM HYSON 882119 Yes B Male 01/15/1990 5' 8" 140.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y0QH82 SEAY, HOWARD Second 541569 Yes B Male 07/14/1969 5' 10" 190.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y247W5 SELMAN, TIMOTHY DALTON 323646 Yes W Male 03/19/1963 5' 8" 156.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y1WL3T SHARPS, PAUL SALIM 1066925 Yes B Male 10/05/1983 6' 4" 275.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y0VRZJ SHAW, ANTONIO 663914 Yes B Male 09/30/1993 5' 10" 175.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y16M9Y SHERIDAN, WILLIAM JAMES 978260 Yes W Male 09/19/1994 5' 11" 150.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y22NRQ SHERMAN, RAYNI DAZE 1166017 Yes W Female 11/23/2001 5' 1" 150.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham
12Y24BO2 SHIELDS, MARCO DEJUAN Junior 1105024 Yes B Male 06/08/2003 5' 11" 157.0 lbs Jefferson County Jail - Birmingham